De-stressing Thought Management Techniques

Paavan App
4 min readMay 17, 2023


Stress is caused by not working, having a lot of leisure time, or dealing with a challenging situation. The inability to control your thoughts. If you have a good stress management system in place, your stress levels will be low. When you perform simple movements with your hands, feet, and eyes, you can feel in command of your body. So, what are your opinions on how to handle thoughts? By putting in a little effort every day, you can develop the talent of mind management or thought control.

What Is Thought Management?

Practising careful attention to thought management to better deal with present and future challenges. Thought management and values-based life-management systems emphasize right living, cultivating creativity, and achieving deeper self-awareness. In this context, “good behaviour” (Dharma) and “the law of cause and effect” (Karma) are two such principles.

Managing Thoughts: 7 Strategies To Be Positive

Here are the effective strategies for thought management:

1. Pause

When you press the pause button, you put your thoughts on hold for a moment. Doing this step can help you avoid sending an angry email or making a terrible post on social media, both of which could have negative repercussions.

Method of application:

  1. Stop and breathe deeply whenever your emotions rise to dangerous levels.
  2. Take a stroll outside if the weather permits it.
  3. Come back once you’ve had a chance to collect your thoughts and then decide what to do next.

2. Altering The Volume

Has it ever struck you that they usually mirror your tone and mannerisms when conversing with someone? They will return your calm, reasonable demeanor. Raise your voice, and they will respond in kind. To avoid raising tensions, speak level-headedly even if the subject is highly emotional. “dial it back” refers to lowering one’s voice or softening one’s tone when a conversation becomes heated.

3. Mute

Putting oneself on “Mute” is a reasonable response if an engagement with another person becomes heated, but you cannot escape the situation. That is to say, silence yourself. When your partner is emotional, it’s best to hit the mute button rather than try to explain your point of view. Allow the other person to vent their emotions without interrupting them.

How to apply it: Take a deep breath and remember that the state of mind of both you and your interlocutor is fleeting. Do not give in to the temptation to answer in kind; much of what they say now may be extreme or exaggerated. Most people can be brought back to sanity after a good cry. While you’re muted, it’s important to do that.

4. Recode

When you record, you listen intently to understand another person’s point of view. If you’re truly listening, you won’t be preoccupied with formulating a response but rather with fully grasping what the other person is saying.

Listening carefully helps you pick up on subtleties you missed earlier and reveal misconceptions you might have been living under a rock. Its application involves suspending judgment and refraining from giving counsel as you focus on the other person. Instead, try to understand the other person’s perspective on you, them, and the circumstance.

5. Reverse

Arguments that cause strong feelings usually have more substantial causes. These issues will only multiply indefinitely if nothing is done about them. Thus, you can’t ignore the problem and hope it goes away. As an alternative, you can use rewind to bring up the subject again when everyone has had a chance to calm down.

Consider where, when, and how to bring up the topic again when using this. Apologizing, expressing gratitude, or pointing out areas of agreement with the other person can help them relax and hear what you have to say.

6. Accelerate

You might ruin a movie by skipping to the credits, but it will serve you well while processing your feelings. When you’ve stopped to reflect, take a few steps back and then forward to consider your decision’s immediate and distant results.

Directions for Use: Don’t worry about how you feel right now. Consider: What impact will this choice have on you in a month? A year? In five years? Clearing your head might help you see the big picture and make more informed choices.

7. In Slow Motion

“Negative” emotions, such as anger, impatience, fear, and grief, can be destructive if not managed. Of course, once you figure out how to control your feelings, they can be put to good use. In the same way that slowing down a movie or song can reveal previously unseen details, pausing to examine the causes of your unpleasant emotions can reveal their origins and point you toward remedies.

Directions for Use: If you’re feeling down or irritable, take a moment to reflect on why you’re experiencing those emotions. How can you improve a bad situation by taking the necessary steps? Or, do you know somebody you could ask for assistance?

Considering the answers to these questions, you may find that your emotions no longer strangle you. People are essentially empathetic beings and emphasize the thought of management. That’s not necessarily bad as long as we learn healthy emotional coping mechanisms.

Finding a happy medium is the key, rather than trying to eliminate all feelings. Learning to balance “brain” and “heart” is coming into harmony between intellectual analysis and profound feelings. That way, you can channel your feelings in a positive direction.

In conclusion, thought management helps you to write your book instead of letting others choose your plot points. When things are going smoothly, or we have a lot on our plates, it’s easy to let our minds wander on autopilot. Nevertheless, there are days when we must actively steer our minds away from negative territory. We can decide what goes on within our heads, so we may choose to be responsible for our happiness.



Paavan App

Paavan is a well-being app offering curated solutions, mindfulness programs & micro-courses on self-improvement, skill mastery, relationships, career & health.