Importance Of Time In Life And 5 Time Management Techniques

Paavan App
7 min readMay 31, 2023


We all recognise the value of time and use it in a variety of ways, yet most of us are unable to utilise it effectively. We all squander a lot of time on things that aren’t important, unworthy people, and hobbies that don’t even make us happy. We all have a certain amount of time, and we are not even aware of the limit, thus it is crucial to comprehend its significance in our lives. We all need to understand the value of time because even though you can make more money if you lose your riches, you cannot make up for lost time.

The Importance Of Time In Our Life

Do you know what is the importance of time? If not, this blog is for you to make you understand about importance of time. Let’s take a very common life example to comprehend the importance of time in our life.

We all watch TV or Phone and it’s not bad. Spending a certain amount of time watching Tv or using the phone is fine but if you are spending hours on these gadgets that means you are not making the right use of time. Because you can use that time to exercise, read, do some other work, or spend it with your loved ones. Time is very important and being aware of how you are using your time is even more valuable.

Let us explore about importance of time in our lives and we should make the most of it without wasting even a second.

1. Time is the key component of human existence

Just like we necessitate air, food, and water to survive, we need time. The importance of time in our life is that it is a fundamental part of how we exist and experience the world. Just imagine, if there is no existence of time, our lives would be like a sequence of disparate events with no actual connection to each other. If time does not exist, we can not remember the past and plan our future. Time is the basic necessity of human life

2. Our relationships depend on the amount of time we invest in them

We all should know the importance of time in our life. The community and relationships are important for our well-being. Maintaining any relationship demand commitment and time. Healthy relationships do not develop overnight. The amount of time we invest in our relationships creates a big difference in our relationships.

3. Once the time is gone, we can not get it back

In this fast-paced world, most people are always rushing from one thing to another and before you realize the weeks and months have passed that is why we should understand the value and importance of time in our life. Try not to waste a single moment of your precious time and live in the present moment to make the most of it. To avoid wasting time, we should schedule our time properly. This way you can spend particular time on various activities and can ensure that after doing everything you still have time for relaxation.

4. Time is the crucial factor in attaining success

The way we are spending our time determines our success in life. In order to accomplish our goals, we should be aware of the importance of time in our life, we need to be planned with our time and we should use it smartly and more wisely. It means getting time for the stuff that is actually important for us and letting go of stuff that is not important.

5. How we spend our time describes our character

How we use our time reflects our character, self-discipline, and values. If we can manage our time efficiently, it means that we are competent and organized, able to establish and stick to boundaries and handle our responsibilities. However, if we are poor at managing our time it shows that we are not organized, we are procrastinators, and have a lack of self-control. That is why we should acknowledge the importance of time in our life and use it correctly.

6. Time is equal for everyone

No matter who you are, everybody has 24 hours a day. Many times we think that other people get everything done in these 24 hours for many can not. It’s quite easy to assume that others may have additional time but actually, we all have just 24 hours a day. T depends on us whether we understand the importance of time in our life or not and how we choose to use our time. For example, some people are spending their whole day and night watching Netflix while others are utilizing their time traveling the work, learning new skills, and building businesses.

7. The precious gift that you can give to someone is time

If we realize the importance of time in our life, we must know that time is among the most expensive gifts that the universe has given you and you can give to someone. That is why give this valuable gift to people and things that deserve it and do not waste it on unnecessary things. If you have a busy schedule get time for your loved ones and be in the moment to make them feel you care for them. Do not waste this precious gift scrolling your social media etc.

8. We all will ultimately run out of time

If you are seeking the answer to what is value of time and what is the importance of time in our life? the answer is none of us knows how much time we have. No matter how poorly or well we manage our time, there is a limit for everybody. It is an uncertainty of life. We all are here on this earth with an expiry date and we have no idea when that last day will come. That means we should live our life to the fullest and follow our goals.

9. How we spend our time impacts our mental health

Sometimes we feel like we do not have any control over time because we are not able to do something in the given time making us anxious. For example, you feel stressed when you are not able to manage your time as it should be, you fail to accomplish a given task on time, and many such things. Time management is a skill and you can not learn it in a day, it requires practice and patience.

When we are aware of the importance of time in our life and we practice time management skills in our daily routine, it makes our life much more easier and organized. It also gives us a sense of pleasure, happiness, and satisfaction contributing to our good mental health.

10. Time is a great healer

You must have heard that time heals everything and trust me it’s true and enough to realize the importance of time in our life. No matter how painful or how bad your past was, time can heal everything, you just need to give that time to yourself. Believe me, sometimes the only technique to get a fresh and healthier view of a situation is to have patience and give it time. Time heals and brings new opportunities to get over difficult situations.

11. Time is the best teacher

Definitely, time teaches u everything and makes us understand the importance of time in our life. The best way to learn new things or skills is naturally and slowly through life experiences we encounter over time. Our mistakes give us lessons to avoid these mistakes in the future. The older we get, the more experiences we have in life and the more we know and comprehend.

5 Ways To Manage Time

Now that you know why time is important and the importance of time in our life, it’s time to move to time management. Time management is a skill that most working professionals want to learn among others. Because today most people spend more time on their mobile phones, social media, Netflix, and other useless stuff making them fail in time management.

If you understand the importance of time in your life you can follow these time management tips to make the best of your time.

1. Set reminders

The key factor for successful time management is to be aware of your deadlines and set reminders for them. We suggest you set a reminder at least 15 minutes before an event or meeting etc so that you can prepare yourself. A reminder help us know the importance of time in our life and be on time.

2. Create a plan for your day

Maybe it looks boring for some people but it actually works not just at jobs but also for students and homemakers. Enlist all the tasks for a day along with the lined-up meetings etc to be ready for them. Whenever you look at it, you will automatically get a reminder of what you have accomplished and what is left for the day keeping you motivated and engaged.

3. Set a time limit for each errand

Make sure to mention the amount of time required for each task on the everyday plan you create. It will help you stick to the time limit and get everything done on time. When we complete our daily tasks in a given time it makes us realize the importance of time in our life.

4. Block the possible distractions

Distractions are something that contributes to poor or failed time management for all of us. Set a certain amount of time to check your email box and avoid other distractions such as mobile phones, online stores, social media, etc.

5. Create and follow a routine

Our routine plays a significant role in time management. Creating a productive routine comprising everything you should do in a day and sticking to this routine helps us avoid distractions and procrastination and also make us aware of the importance of time in our life.

Understanding the importance of time in our life plays a massive role in efficient time management, work performance, quality of relationships, success, and life satisfaction. Moreover, good time management leads to lower stress levels, improved mental health, and a sense of pleasure.



Paavan App

Paavan is a well-being app offering curated solutions, mindfulness programs & micro-courses on self-improvement, skill mastery, relationships, career & health.